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Christmas List

By 12:22 PM , , , , , , , , , ,

Hihi StyleVanians! So I have tons of things to blog about today, first things first drum roll please...(go ahead I'm not judging you) okay so If you're reading this lovely little post on mobile go ahead and stop that (insert laughter) and good and check this blog on your desktop. Go ahead I'll wait, If you're checking this on your desktop right now and you're looking at the format you notice says a little there's a new widget and what doe it say you may ask? I stylevana have  officially gotten endorsed by IFabbo. Which basically I'm in gonna be doing a lot of more reviews eep! Anywhoo let's get started. So I was browsing YouTube and I noticed that a lot of bloggers have been doing Christmas wish list, Christmas all I  asked for was a laptop but that's not really  blogger-ish, But if I get it expect a review! So basically really what I put in this was like fashion and beauty stuff I wanted so this could be like stocking stuffers to full on gifts. First things first iconic hoodie from forever 21. It's really like a sweatshirt actually by think it's really cute and street style inspired. It would look great with high Waisted shorts if you're from South Florida are you living in the south where it's hot. Maybe actually feels like Christmas where you are and it's cold you can where this  sweatshirt with leggings under jeans to stay warm in the winter. Next will be these pink  heart earrings from target which would make a great stocking stuffer, Fun fact about me my ears are not pierced so nobody get me these. Moving onto these white converse white converse  look great in every single outfit that I've ever seen anybody wear white converse in. They hipster-Fy you!  The next outfit would be this oversize camo hoodie which would look to die for with a crop top that red skater skirt, and the thigh high socks. Last but not least for Fashion would be the93 Star Player jersey from Forever 21, thanks to the bulls and Miley Cyrus,jerseys had a really cool vibe to your outfit. Time for beautyyy! So Naked 3 was released November 21st, and it's been selling out ever since. Trust me if you get your hands on that Rose hued pallete because we beauty gurus are coming for you. Next would be the Stila Stay All Day Eyeliner which is sooooo amazing! I bought won this lost it...so I most definitely need a new one! I also am loving the Eos lip balms despite the whole lip peeling for soft lips it just spells like heaven no better than that it smells like Jesus okay??? So buy it. Moving on to the Nyx lipstick in nude from target, I've watched several reviews from it and I love the color! It has a matte look and really good for a Kim Kardashian inspired look. To conclude beauty, The Maybelline Color Show nail polish in Ballerina. I mean what does Maybelline not make?? It reminds me of Essie's ballet slippers shade which is one of my staple colors so I'm going to most definitively but this if it doesn't end up in my stocking. Thanks for reading this and getting me to 700+page views! I hope I'm not getting cocky but I would love to start the new year with 900 or even 1000 pageviews? I know we can do it. Hopefully I've helped you add to your Christmas List or gave you some lovely gift ideas. Have a safe and wonderful Christmas I sincerely hope you get everything you want and more! Love yall<3

-xoxo Danni

wait! I forgot! Theirs gonna be some special stuff happening pretty soon just to warn oops i mean let you guys know. Au revoir. (Because bye is boring)Christmas List

Forever 21 striped shirt

Forever 21 jacket

H&M blue jeans
$41 - hm.com

Charlotte Russe circle skirt

Forever 21 socks

Converse leather shoes

Stud earrings

Stila eyeliner

NYX lipstick
$11 - target.com.au

Eos lips makeup
$9.80 - austique.co.uk

Maybelline nail polish
$6.80 - direct.asda.com

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