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Thing I Looove-December Favorites

By 9:31 AM

Heyhey! How are ya StyleVanians? So lately I've been feeling that this here blog is getting a little boring so expect something new! Anywhoo this December I've been loving new music not so much the usual stuff ready for the countdown?.......

1) Lorde- Even though Royals is been causing me a major headache sense every dj feels the need to play it, Lorde has made a great album! I don't think theirs a song on Pure Heroine that I don't like.
2)Aztec Leggings- It's not cold yet in South Florida! Which means I've been spotting tons of girls wearing this haute item.
3) This has to be one of the best inexpensive beauty items I've ever worn. You don't understand how badly I love the Maybelline Define A Line Eyeliner. You can get it at Target for 4.99.

4) Nothing was the same after I purchased this album. NWTS has to be my all time favorite Drake Album so far.

5)It's too Coooolddd you've probably heard that signature line from the popular Sweater Weather song by the neighborhood if you like the alternative music like Safe and sound by capital cites or Lorde I recommend this! 

6) Christmas- Do I need to explain? 
7-All glossed Up hydrating lip stain by hard Candy- I love the shade mauveus 
Which is pictured right there on my wrist. I have yellow undertones so it lights my face up and I just all around love this color.

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