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Meow! The Key To The Cat Eye. +NEWS

By 5:19 PM

Hey Stylevanians! It's ya girl danni here. So a lot of us go through #Thestruggle with cat eyes. Cue the flashback. I started wearing makeup in the summer of the 5th grade right. I was so giddy when my mom went to the dollar store I would dash over to the  makeup section and greedily pick sparkly eye shadow palettes and kohl eyeliner. For once I had some money so my mom allowed me to buy it. My little dum butt goes to the car and drags the blackest eyeliner I can find in an attempt at a cat eye. The line literally went up  to my eyebrow. Then I dug my finger into the pink glitter shadow and smothered my eye in it. My mom looked at me shrugged and whispered to herself at least she's creative. Then let me walk out in public with a cat eye so long I look the cat eye was whispering to my eyebrow. Sorry for the cringe worthy childhood flashback  back to the post!   So I made this cute little tutorial to show you how I do it. Ready? Let's get started.

Step 1- Naked eyes. Just have some primer or eyeshadow on your eyes. 

Step 2-Get your eyeliner. I'm using LA colors liquid eyeliner which stays on all day (surprisingly) Ulta gel liner and NYX skinny black liner.

Step 3- Apply your kohl pencil to the waterline. Tightlining recommended.

Step 4-  I had a gif but it's not working :( So I'm going to walk you through it. Stray from your inner corner and drag the liner until you get to the outer corner or crease of your eye and flick your wrist up. 

END RESULT- If you want a nice pop of color just get a colored eyeliner and apply over or in the corner. But it looks nice right?

If I do say so myself If I do say so myself. (Who knows where that's from?)

It even works with glasses. 

Time for NEWS!

So there has been some changes on stylevana. One would be they're is a brand new poll go check it out :) and 2 from now on if you have a blog or social network you would like me to follow or have me mention just leave a comment below and let me know okay?


Love. Y'all see ya next time!


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